4/19/14: The Writing Mode

The Writing Mode

Normally I’ve been writing these blog posts after having written a good chunk of the novel first draft so this is a first as I haven’t written anything yet today.  I’m getting closer to being about a third of the way through it (hey what’s another 5 %) but my original plan of writing methodically in the mornings hasn’t really materialized.

I’m not sure if this has more to do with my day job or my writing preferences, but since I started I’ve never actually grabbed a couple of hours in the morning to write.  I’ve mostly been grabbing blocks of times in some evenings and on the weekends as it worked out.  I just need to know I’ll have that block of time and won’t get into writing for 20 minutes and then we have to go or do something.  I have to feel I have a block of time so that I can enter a sort of “writing mode” where I won’t be mentally interupted in any great way for a period of time.

If I were someday blessed to be a professional writer, it would be much easier to block off writing time and seclude myself for what would then be my full time job.  Writing would have it’s own set time to be done with no other competing occupation.  That would seem a dream job to me, although I’d miss the interaction with others, but it’s not a realistic dream job unless you have some measure of success as a writer.  But to have that, you have to write, so time for me to stop pontificating about writing my novel and get back to it.  I’ll put myself in writing mode right now as I think I have a little block of time ahead.

April 19th, 2014:
Current Novel Word Count:
  23,990 Words
Percentage towards 1st Draft Goal:  28.2%