1/4/14: Stick a Fort In It!,…Outline Done

Stick a Fork In It! – Outline Done

Tonight I’ve finally finished my Novel Outline.  I have the basic plot and guideline from which to work from.  I’m sure I’ll be changing things as I go along, but I think the Outline will keep me on track with my basic idea, yet still allow me to stray from it as I need to.

Now comes both the scary and fun part,.. the actual writing of my first novel.  I’ll admit that the Outline was kind of an obstacle at times, as it seemed to be a convenient procrastination crutch, but now I’m ready to begin.  Now the struggle to produce over 85,000 pages of fiction that people will want to read begins.

At this point, looking out over the vast ocean of unwritten novels, I have no idea if what I produce will be worthy to print.  That’s certainly my desire, but the proof is in the pudding, as they say.  I’ll pray before each session, and invite your prayers for my efforts as well.  Here’s hoping that my wild dream will be worthy for the ages.  Worthy for those looking to get lost in a story.  And it begins on this day.

January 4th, 2014:
Finished Novel Outline:  13,429 Words
Current Novel Word Count:  27 Words (Title Page)